Other Interesting Stamp
- Agreeable Stamp Store - Latest stamp issues of Singapore (Chow - Singapore)
- All
Stamps Paradise
- forum for world stamp traders (Alaine Pierron - France)
- Ambro - Hungarian stamps and souvenir sheet
(Attila Ambrozai - Hungary)
- The
Archer Collection Auctions - Free memberships (Raymond Archer Marriott
- Canada)
- Arts on Stamps -
Paintings and arts on stamps (Victor Manta - Switzerland)
- AsiaArt - Kyrgyz stamps (Natalya - Kyrgyzstan)
- Asian Stamps -
Asia, CIS, British Colonies (Konstantin Grinchenko
- Ukraine)
- ATM - Machine
stamps; world postage rates; German links (Markus Seitz - Switzerland)
- Austrian
Consult AG - China & Asian postal history (Friedrich Zettl - Austria)
- Avenir de Sarcelles Philatélie
- En français - Philatelic Club; web-ring (Frédéric Vouille - France)
- Avion Thematics - large
stock of thematic stamps (Roger
West - UK)
- The Bartels
Stamp Company - Stamps, covers and more (Andrew Bartels - USA)
- Bas Stamps
Auctions - world stamp auctions, postal history (Juan Luis Pretto - USA)
- Betty's Stamps for
Sale - Personal world collection (Betty Chang - USA)
- Bill Barrell Ltd - British dealer (Bill Barrell - UK)
- Boxlot Online Auctions - Auction your stamps and
other collectibles (Tom Gardener - USA)
- Brooklyn
Gallery Coins and Stamps - also sells postcards and baseball cards
(Ron - USA)
- Byar's
Market - GB, Canada,
Germany, US collector/dealer (Dr
Charles Byar - USA)
- Casper's Weird
Stamps - Can you identify these stamps? (Casper
Boks - Netherlands)
- Castle
Stamps - British stamp dealer (Shelly Pie - UK)
- cddstamps - GB & World: Free stamps, buy,
trade & more (Michael Dodd- Australia)
- Chalon Stamps - thematic and New Zealand
stamps, valuations (Robin Marshall- NZ)
- Chinese
Stamps - price catalog plus from 1989 onwards pictured (Huhj - China)
- Cosmos
Stamps - Greek
emphasis (Nicos Constantopoulos
- UK)
- Country Bear
Stamps - packets and other stamps (Bill Caraway - USA)
- Cronaca Filatelica -
Magazine of philately (Duccio De Rosa - Italy)
- CyberNiche
Software - keep track of you stamps or other collectibles (Laura Wolter - USA)
- CyberStamp Club - Sales and service (Bruce Kilgour - South Africa)
- Dakshina Kannada Philatelic Association - Indian
philatelic club (Yogananda Jeppu
- India)
- Designs, Etc.
- Uniquely matted and framed Postage Stamp Art (Diane Rose - USA)
- Detlefsen Stamps - US
dealer with packets and more (Susan Detlefsen - USA)
- Dixie Stamp
Circuit - International mixed stamps on sale (Stan Field - USA)
- Dorinco – personalized stamps and postmarks (Dorin
Cojocariu- Romania)
- Dragon Stamp - Chinese/English - China,
Taiwan, Macau, HK, Korea (Yangyonghong
- China)
- Eder
Online - Magazines of philately and numismatics (Duccio
De Rosa - Italy)
- Education
International - uses stamps and other means to educate (Patrice Vézina - Belgium)
- Filahome
- Dutch/English articles and stamp trading (Ruus
van Capelleveen - Netherlands)
- Find
Your Stamp's Value - US
stamps only for a fee (Alex Barinov - USA)
- Frimärken på Internet -
Personal stamp page (Anders Martinson - Sweden)
- GB Machin Definitives -
devoted to British Machin heads ( - UK)
- The General
Store - Hawaiian stamps (Harold Larsen - USA)
- George
Townsend Stamps - Affordable US & world stamps (Judy Townsend - USA)
- Harris Philatelic
Page - Greek stamps for sale (Harris Kypreos
- Greece)
- Inland
Hobby Tools - magnifiers, tweezers, etc
(Sandy Bayer - USA)
- The International
House of Stamps - Thai Stamps Catalogues (Satham
Koshpasharin - Thailand)
- Internet
Stamp Store - Movies and other topicals and
stamp sheets (Ted Congdon - USA)
- Internetové obchodní filatelie - Czech/English stamp site (Radomír Danenberger - Czech Republic)
- Interstamp - Dutch language commercial site, world
stamps (R. v.d. Berg - Netherlands)
- The Irish
Philatelic Circle - Irish Philately, newsletters, auctions (Eddie
Dalton - Ireland)
- J & Y
Stamps 2000 - Philately in Wesdtern Australia (Jeff & Yvette Trinidad - Australia)
- James Bendon Ltd - Philatelic literature (Rida Bendon - Cyprus)
- Jan
Langenberg's Homepage - USSR & Hungarian
stamps (Jan Langenberg - Netherlands)
- Japhila
- Philatelic on-line magazine, bi-lingual (Bret Janik
- Czech Republic)
- Jeff's
Stamp Page - Faroe Islands Stamps (Jeffrey Crown - USA)
- Jim
Stonebraker - Musician and stamp collector (Jim Stonebraker - USA)
- JJF Space Covers
- Space First Day Covers (Joe Frasketi - USA)
- JJ's World
- Personal home page (J.J. Pearce - USA)
- John
Haggarty Philatelist - Canadian, NZ, US,
GB stamps (John Haggarty - Canada)
- Johnson Philatelics - British Commonwealth & British
Africa (Richard Johnson - South
- Joseph Luft - Pictured stamp lots and resources on the
web (Joseph Luft - USA)
- JustWendy Themes - Topical & thematic stamps
(Wendy White - UK)
- Ladner's
Stamps - Used US & other stamp lots for sale (Mark Ladner - USA)
- Laffle - stamp auctions (Jeff - USA)
- Lakeshore
Philatelics - Canadian, German, world stamps
(Tibor Horvath - Canada)
- Latvian
Circuit Exchange Club - complete year sets ex-USSR (Serge Nikolaev - Latvia)
- Liberty
Street Software - Inventory software for your stamp collection (Paul Dembowski - USA)
- Mail Art -
Art collectibles from British stamps (Andy Caff
- UK)
- Malaysia
Stamp - comprehensive Malaysian dealer (Lim Yeow
Ming - Malaysia)
- Malcolm
Turner's Stamps on the Web - Pacific stamps lots (Malcolm Turner - New Zealand)
- Malte Aronsson's Stamps
& Philatelic Website - Swedish links (Malte
Aronsson - Sweden)
- Marca Postal - Portugese/English
sales and auctions (Claudio Monteiro - Portugal)
- The Maximaphily Group of Israel - Hobby of maximaphily (Itzhak Shdemati - Israel)
- Mayo Postal History
- Auctions postal history (Dann Mayo - USA)
- Mike
Duggan's Owls on Stamps - (Mike Duggan - New Zealand)
- Mike Smith's Breast Cancer Research First Day Cover
Collection (Mike
Smith - USA)
- Minnesota Stamp
Company - US stamps (Rick Wolfe -USA)
- Montgomery
Stamps - US stamps and auctions (Fred Capolongo
- USA)
- The Mt.
Dora Stamp Co. - World & topical stamps with images (George Marek - USA)
- My World
Stamps - International philatelic interest site and dealer (Nigel
Peacock - UK)
- The Mystery
Box - Mystery, history and stamps (Frederick
Highland - USA)
- The New Zealand Dependencies - Postal histories (Paul den Ouden - Canada)
- New Zealand
Philatelic Bureau - NZ stamp issuing authority (Alan Hollows - New Zealand)
- New Zealand Stamp
First Day Covers - NZ first day issues (Charles Engen
- USA)
- Northwestern
Philatelic Auctions, Inc - Images (C. Raftopoulus - British Coumbia, Canada)
- Okan's Stamp Page - Turkish stamps (Okan Akgunes -Turkey)
- Old
Beeg's™ Waterfall Stamps of the World
- Waterfalls (Beatrice Ritts - USA)
- OnLine Auctions - Easy to follow auction site
(Gary Paiste - USA)
- Osborne-Kaufmann
- American-European stamp connection (Trish Kaufmann - USA)
- Página da Filatelia - Portugese collector; errors (Carlos Fonseca- Portugal)
- Peter
Aitken's Page - Personal home page (Peter Aitken - USA)
- Peter's
Stamps - British stamps 1924 - present (Peter Gladman
- UK)
- Petes Stamp Pad - Dealer with emphasis on UK &
Commonwealth (Pete Stevens- UK)
- Philangles - UK
sales and auctions (Simon Carson - UK)
- Philatelic.com
- Secure virtual store (Gregory Deeter - USA)
- Philatelic
Enterprises - Stamps & philatelic products (John Sleevar - USA)
- Philatelic Bookstore - searchable database of books;
also buy/sell used books
- Philatelic
Phantasies - Auction of fully pictured US
lots (David De Tullio - USA)
- Philatelic World -
Stamp identifier & public trading page (Kyle Huynh - USA)
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Other Websites of Roger Pearce

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page revised: September 29, 2010.